
The problem

People today spend a lot of time online. With technological advances, individuals increasingly benefit from digitization and are continually confronted with an enormous number of possibilities and an almost infinite choice of products and services, often making it difficult to distinguish between meaningful and insignificant computing. The transition from the analogue world to the digital sphere has not only simplified and accelerated various processes, but has also changed the way people communicate and socialize, how they perceive in relation to others and how they guarantee a healthy and balanced lifestyle. .
This development has led to the recent rise in popularity of location services such as fitness trackers that monitor health and activities. They record users' sleep, count steps and calories, measure heart rate and blood pressure. They also offer advice that aligns with individual diets and lifestyles.
While people take advantage of digital possibilities to improve their health, some take digitization instead with skepticism. The critics, in fact, emphasize aspects of digital well-being and the fact that many people can no longer disconnect from their smart devices. They report a greater reliance on smartphones and promote a more informed interaction with digital devices.
They also warn against poor digital literacy that is even applied by the increasing complexity of hardware and software.
It is therefore very important for users to have greater transparency on usage behavior
While many companies have created data collection environments and rely heavily on user data for their digital business models, users do not have access to their behavioral data in a simple and transparent way. As users increasingly express the desire to access this type of information, large technology companies such as Apple or Samsung are currently researching and developing new applications. These applications aim to offer their users an overview of their behavior and offer them an understandable way to change the way they interact with smart devicesThis not only increases digital well-being, but also gives users the ability to plan their behavior more productively and use their time in the best possible way.

The solution

As our world becomes more and more digitized, we are witnessing a rapid transformation of daily practices and the transition from offline to online. This development does not come without tensions and possible risks, one of which is that users are unaware of the damage that a careless use of digital products and the "always-on" mentality can cause. People express a desire to become aware of their online actions and reflect on their digital behavior. Their data on digital behavior should be made transparent to them and easily understood by everyone. At the same time, data becomes an increasingly valuable asset and, therefore, must be kept safe from potential abuse or theft.
For this reason, a solution is needed that helps people develop digital awareness and gives them the opportunity to analyze their behavior to become more productive
and this thanks to Intrachain ( ). 
Intrachain offers a software solution that combines a process processing tool with a decentralized database. The service combines data collection in computer systems and the storage of the latter in a safe way thanks to the Blockchain .
The Intrachain platform offers two products:
  1. Intrachain Private. A B2C software that tracks the behavior of personal users and offers the possibility to store data on the blockchain. The data are made available to the user for analysis through a special interface.
  2. Intrachain Business. It keeps track of user behavior data and transfers it to the blockchain. At a later stage, these data are made available for the registration and allocation of intercompany services. The smart-contract will be used to transfer the transactions costs involved to correct accounting systems within the group of companies. In this way, Intrachain Business is an accounting software combined with Distributed Ledger technology that automates reconciliation practices.
In practice, with the integration of blockchain technology in behavioral monitoring, the project team believes it offers a high value service to key economic players and to private users who have transformation potential.
In summary, the service and the Intrachain platform:
  • It focuses on data collection in computer systems and their secure storage thanks to the blockchain.
  • It offers individuals the personal behavioral data required to reflect on their use of smart devices and analyze the time spent.
  • Automate accounting practices such as reconciliation with the help of blockchain and smart-contract.
  • It makes the allocation of effort more efficient, helps companies save costs and provides them with the precise data needed to make informed decisions.

IT token ICT

The Intrachain token utility represents access to the whole ecosystem. During the Intrachain token sale, a total supply of 109.722.222 units will be offered. The proceeds collected are used to guide the Intrachain product solutions and manage the daily business expenses, aiming to successfully revolutionize behavior monitoring and in particular the accounting industry.
The token allocation is as follows:
Nome Token: Intrachain Token 
Token Type: Token   Utility (ERC20 on Ethereum Network)
Public sale price : 0.000917 ETH 
Soft cap: EUR 3.0 Mio
Hard cap: EUR 12.0 Mio
Start and end of public sale: 03.12.2018 - 30.12.20182
In conclusion, I can say that if the team will meet all WhitePaper's promises, it will surely prove to be a very interesting project. In addition, the project was founded by 4 very experienced people ( ) in meteria and I believe that the founders have the right skills to guide the vision quickly and introduce blockchain technology into a sector in which it can add a high value (cost and time savings). You can participate in the ICO by going to the project website and clicking on " Buy Intrachain Tokens ".
I leave you with this video, which explains in more detail how the Intrachain platform works.
